Chinese Language 4-6 Months Beginner Course​




This course is suitable for you if you have 0 knowledge in Chinese and want to learn from the basics. The classes will be held once every week at a selected time slot until the entire course syllabus is completed within 4 to 6 months time. Abroad students should attend online either on Google meet or Voov meeting. The features offered for classes is same in online and offline modes both so don’t worry and classes are held live so able to communicate with teacher face to face as if physically present. The final exam abroad students need visit our exam center in their country to do exam physically and pass exam to get certification direct from China. You will need a writing book, earphones, laptop/smartphone, an email account and a good wifi/mobile data connection. The class link will be sent to your email account 1 hour before class start to join relevant platform.

The latest new batch time slot can be checked here if there is no update there then best contact us on WhatsApp +94770565616 to check.

Our program is career and future centred professional program however we do understand having paper qualifications will be useful at times hence we have integrated the HSK level 1, Pearson/Edexcel, GCE Olevels, GCE Alevels, CIE Olevels & CIE Alevels syllabi into our curriculum and its learning requirements hence our students are capable of sitting for exams at any time the need arises.


At end of our course we have International exam which if you like you can take and once you have passed successfully you may receive a certificate demonstrating your Chinese qualification which is directly organized by China in partnership with us. This is similar to an university level qualification but not as difficult due to the methods we utilize which enables Kid’s also to join and take Chinese Classes.


This group class is Ideal for below students;
1.To study in China for all majors (Eg:- MBBS, Engineering, etc)
2.Help school students who study Chinese as a subject.
3.To do business with China.
4.Obtain good job offers/promotions.
5.Get more consideration during scholarship selections

Group Class Course fee for entire 4-6 months beginner certification course where each class is 2hours long and held once every week is approximately 172 USD

You can also pay full course fee as recurring subscription payment of  28.68USD in 6 installments to use this method you need to have a debit or credit card. Which means after all installments you have paid 172USD including the card fees of payment gateway.  If you want this payment option then you need to WhatsApp us on +94770565616 and ask to pay as subscription installments.

Please place your order now and select your payment method or message on WhatsApp now for any Inquires on need to learn Chinese Language to +94770565616

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